Lowongan Kerja CPNS Indonesia (LKCI) |
- Accounting (Jakarta) – EMSINDO POLA CITRA, PT
- Lowongan Kerja Runge Limited
- Lowongan Kerja Interbat Indonesia
- Lowongan Kerja AS Watson Group
- Lowongan Kerja PT Infomedia Nusantara Oktober 2011
- Lowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat Cengkareng Terbaru Oktober 2011
- Lowongan Kerja Axis
- Lowongan Kerja PT Starjaya Metalwork Oktober 2011
Accounting (Jakarta) – EMSINDO POLA CITRA, PT Posted: 26 Oct 2011 01:50 PM PDT PT Emsindo Pola Citra, adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Transmisi dan Gardu Induk Tegangan Tinggi, membutuhkan segera kandidat yang berminat untuk menduduki posisi sebagai : Kualifikasi Pria/Wanita, S1 Akuntansi yang berpengalaman sebagai Accounting min 4 Tahun, Mengerti laporan keuangan (Neraca & R/L) dan Accounting principal,Mengerti peraturan perpajakan, Familiar dengan software Accounting, Teliti,Jujur dan bertanggung jawab, Pernah bekerja di KAP, Lebih diutamakan bersertifikat Brevet A dan B. Lulusan universitas terkemuka. Persyaratan lain-lain : Mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan pengawasan minim, bersedia bekerja di bawah tekanan dengan jam kerja yang fleksibleMemiliki kemampuan mengatur, dapat dipercaya, jujur dan dapat menyimpan rahasiaBersedia untuk segera mulai bekerja Kirimkan aplikasi, CV dan foto terakhir ke alamat email : hrd@emsindo.co.id |
STAFF ACCOUNTING-jakarta selatan – PAS ADITAMA, PT Posted: 26 Oct 2011 11:50 AM PDT Kami perusahaan Telekomunikasi yang berada di Jakarta Selatan membutuhkan tenaga Driver/Supir dengan kualifikasi sbb :
Usia 18-30 tahunPendidikan minimal SMK jurusan Akuntansi (berlatar belakang Akuntansi)Memahami program excel dengan baikMampu bekerja dengan target penginputan dataMampu bekerja dibawah tekanan, disiplin dan bertanggung jawabBisa bekerja cepat dan berinisiatifMandiri dan bertanggung jawabRajin dan JujurSilahkan mengirimkan lamaran lengkap beserta CV, pas poto terbaru, ke alamat : HR Department |
Posted: 26 Oct 2011 09:36 AM PDT Runge Limited is the undisputed leader within the Mining Technology Services industry. Established for over 33 years we are an international organisation which provides Consulting, Software and Training Services to improve mine business planning to the Global mining, banking and related industries. With 17 offices in 10 countries we provide a truly global offering to the industry. SENIOR MINING ENGINEER (METALS) – JAKARTA • Global career opportunities Runge is a global leader in the provision of Mine Consulting and Technology Services. ASX listed and with offices in 20 key locations around the world, we have enjoyed 33 years of unprecedented growth in the mining industry providing full end to end consulting, software and training services that improve mine business planning. We offer industry leading expertise across our range of services and we take pride in adding value to our customers who incorporate the world s largest mining organisations, commodity trading houses and financial institutions. Reporting to the Operations Manager and based in our Jakarta office you will be trained in our industry leading mine software and you will take full ownership from conception to completion of a range technical projects including a diverse variety of clients, commodities, sites and mining methods. You will also work on interesting mine feasibility projects, due diligence studies and the implementation and support of our industry leading business scheduling and forecasting software (XPAC, TALPAC). You will play a key role amongst a global team of like-minded mining professionals and technical experts who specialize in all aspects of mining and mine business planning, and you will be supported with full training in our industry leading software. Quite simply Runge will accelerate your mining expertise and career options by providing you a greater variety of projects as well as expert training and support in our industry leading software and analytical tools. To be successful in this role, you will be tertiary qualified in a Mining or related discipline and you will have over 10 years metalliferous mining experience. You will demonstrate a passion for business improvement projects using a variety of tools and you will ideally have experience in Runge s suite of software packages or Surpac, Vulcan or Datamine. MINING ENGINEER – JAKARTA • Global career opportunities Runge is a global leader in the provision of Mine Consulting and Technology Services. ASX listed and with offices in 20 key locations around the world, we have enjoyed 33 years of unprecedented growth in the mining industry providing full end to end consulting, software and training services that improve mine business planning. We offer industry leading expertise across our range of services and we take pride in adding value to our customers who incorporate the world s largest mining organisations, commodity trading houses and financial institutions. Reporting to the Operations Manager and based in our Jakarta office you will be trained in our industry leading mine software to provide mine business planning solutions across a true variety of clients, commodities, sites and mining methods. You will also work on interesting mine feasibility projects, due diligence studies and the implementation and support of our industry leading business forecasting software (XPAC, TALPAC). This is your opportunity to expand your technical knowledge in a truly global organisation as you learn new mining software products, work on significant consulting projects, and gain exposure to different commodities and mining methods. While these roles are based within the CBD you will also have the opportunity to travel to site and build your global reputation and mining network. You will have relevant tertiary qualifications and demonstrate several years mine engineering experience, ideally in an open pit enviornment. Experience with Runge s XPAC software will be highly regarded as will several year s experience in mine scheduling, mine design and mine development and/or feasibility studies. Fluent Bahasa and excellent English communication skills are required. Indonesian citizenship/permanent residence is required. COAL GEOLOGIST – JAKARTA • Global Career Opportunities Runge is a global leader in the provision of Mine Consulting and Technology Services. ASX listed and with offices in 20 key locations around the world, we have enjoyed 33 years of unprecedented growth in the mining industry providing full end to end consulting, software and training services that improve mine business planning. We offer industry leading expertise across our range of services and we take pride in adding value to our customers who incorporate the world s largest mining organisations, commodity trading houses and financial institutions. Due to an increasing global market we are seeking coal geologists to join our team in Jakarta. You will work as part of our consulting team carrying out geological Modelling for mine feasibility and due diligence exercises, as well as completing JORC compliant resource estimation projects in Indonesia and internationally. As the Coal Geologist you will be intimately involved in consulting projects from the geological modelling stages through to mine planning and financial modelling. More importantly, you will have the opportunity to work along side many of our well known and industry leading clients giving you exposure to different mining methods and increasing your global network. To secure a position with us you will be tertiary qualified in Geology and 5-10 years hands on operational and planning experience. You will be highly computer literate with proven skills in geological Modelling software and resource calculations. In particular, your expertise in Minescape or Minex will be a key to succeeding in this role and you will have excellent oral and written communication skills. Experience in open cut coal exploration will be highly regarded. To apply please visit our careers website at http://www.runge.com/node/135 and follow the prompts to attach your application to this role. (www.runge.com) — Update : Download Soal-Soal CPNS |
Lowongan Kerja Interbat Indonesia Posted: 26 Oct 2011 07:16 AM PDT
When the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Indonesia started regulating Good Manufacture Practices standard in 1971, Interbat immediately got the recognition for being conformed all its facility according to the standard. From there on, Interbat began its reputation as outstanding pharmaceutical manufacturer in Indonesia. On May 20th 1977, Interbat moved all of its production activities to a new-two-hectare factory complex in Sidoarjo, 15 km from Surabaya, East Java. PT. Interbat is requiring professionals to the position: 1. TEKNISI CALIBRASI HRD Department Download Soal-Soal CPNS |
FINANCE & ACCOUNTING MANAGER (FAM) – MEGATREND SEMESTA, PT Posted: 26 Oct 2011 05:14 AM PDT URGENTLY REQUIREDWe are a fast expanding electronics principal challenging competent, dynamic and high integrity individuals to join us as :QUALIFICATION:Pria/Wanita, Max. 40 thn, S1 Accounting, pengalaman Min. 10 thn di bidangnya, dengan Minimal. 2 thn menempati posisi yang samaMampu Memanage tim Accounting pusat & cabang, Cash Flow, dan perpajakan, berpengalaman di perusahaan Tbk menjadi nilai tambah. Send resume by Email to : recruitment@crystal-indonesia.com |
ACCOUNTING STAFF – BEIJING ORISTAR MEDIA CO. LTD Posted: 26 Oct 2011 03:03 AM PDT Beijing OriStar Media Technology Co., Ltd. is invested by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. We are committed to product design, system development and business operation of mobile Internet and mobile advertising. Our development strategy is " Act locally. Think globally.", and now we have successfully landed in Indonesia. Following the concept of "Grow together. Succeed together.", we sincerely welcome the elites from telecommunications, Internet, media, advertising and related fields to join our team. Let's work together to meet the 3G era! Responsibilities : Process payment on time, accurateInput journals of Account payable and bank paymentInput loan and interest journalPrepare interest and withholding tax calculationPrepare weekly reportEnsure on time month end closing and prepare balance sheet reconciliation Requirements : Female , Single |
Lowongan Kerja AS Watson Group Posted: 26 Oct 2011 12:58 AM PDT
ASW provides a full range of beverages from bottled water, fruit juices, soft drinks and tea products to the world's finest wine labels via its international wine wholesaler and distributor. ASW employs over 98,000 staff and is a member of the world renowned Hongkong-based conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa Limited, which has five core businesses-port and related services; property and hotels; retail; energy, infrastructure, investments and others; and telecommunications in 55 countries. Finance & Accounting Staff Download Soal-Soal CPNS |
Lowongan Kerja PT Infomedia Nusantara Oktober 2011 Posted: 25 Oct 2011 10:38 PM PDT PT. Infomedia Nusantara by Telkom Indonesia adalah penyedia layanan informasi dan komunikasi pertama di Indonesia. Perusahaan kami terus melakukan inovasi dalam berbisnis dengan terus mengembangkan tiga layanan utama kami : Layanan Direktori, Layanan Contact Center dan Layanan Content. Khususnya dalam Layanan Contact Center, kami menyediakan jasa outsourcing untuk pengelolaan Customer Relation Management (CRM) melalui aktivitas inbound maupun outbound contact center dengan memanfaatkan teknologi komunikasi terkini melalui telepon, sms, email, website, dan chatting. Dalam pengembangan bisnis tsb, saat ini kami membutuhkan kandidat yang berminat untuk bergabung dalam perusahaan kami dan berpartisipasi dalam proses tersebut. Saat ini, kami mencari kandidat untuk posisi : Supervisor Contact Center ACER Responsibilities: Memberikan Informasi Produk ACER sesuai yang dibutuhkan PelangganSupervisi agent contact center yang berada di bawahnyaTeam buildingHandle Complain Requirements: Laki-lakiUsia Maksimal 35 Thn Pada Saat RekruitasiMinimal D3, diharapkan dari jurusan ITMampu Berkomunikasi Dengan BaikArtikulasi JelasCustomer Service OrientedSiap Bekerja Shifting dan LemburFamiliar dengan komputer dan troubleshootingPaham mengenai IT dan komputerMampu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggrisMemiliki pengalaman sebagai seorang leader HR Area Rekrutment Responsibilities: Melakukan proses rekruitasiMembuat laporan rekutasi daily, weekly, montly Requirements: Minimal S1 semua jurusan, tetapi diutamakan dari jurusan psikologiPriaUsia maksimal 30 tahunPaham mengenai proses rekrutasiBerpengalaman di bidang yang sama lebih diharapkanKomunikatifFleksibelInisiatifHard WorkerSiap bekerja lemburBersedia dengan status kerja Kontrak Bagi yang berminat, silahkan kirim surat lamaran, CV, Fotokopi KTP, Pas poto 4×6 terbaru, fotokopi ijazah & Transkrip Nilai dan Surat keterangan sehat ke : PT. Infomedia Nusantara – HR CC dan OS (Up. Sinta Dewi) Atau melalui walk in interview yang akan dilaksanakan pada : " Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview " |
Lowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat Cengkareng Terbaru Oktober 2011 Posted: 25 Oct 2011 08:24 PM PDT PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk didirikan pada 24 Rabius Tsani 1412 H atau 1 Nopember 1991, diprakarsai oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dan Pemerintah Indonesia, dan memulai kegiatan operasinya pada 27 Syawwal 1412 H atau 1 Mei 1992. Dengan dukungan nyata dari eksponen Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim se-Indonesia (ICMI) dan beberapa pengusaha Muslim, pendirian Bank Muamalat juga menerima dukungan masyarakat, terbukti dari komitmen pembelian saham Perseroan senilai Rp 84 miliar pada saat penandatanganan akta pendirian Perseroan. Selanjutnya, pada acara silaturahmi peringatan pendirian tersebut di Istana Bogor, diperoleh tambahan komitmen dari masyarakat Jawa Barat yang turut menanam modal senilai Rp 106 miliar. LOWONGAN PEKERJAAN Bank Muamalat Cabang Tubagus Angke, Jakarta Posisi : Marketing Funding (pria & wanita)Customer Service (wanita)Teller (pria & wanita)Back Office (pria) Persyaratan : Pendidikan S1 dari segala jurusanUsia maksimal 30 tahun (no. 1)Usia maksimal 25 tahun belum menikah (no. 24)Mempunyai banyak relasi/kolega (no. 1)Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan baikMemiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris aktif dan pasifMemiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baikDinamis, kreatif dan inovatifBerpengalaman minimal 1-3 tahun dibidangnya (no. 1)Berpenampilan menarik, tinggi min 160 cm (pr), 165 cm (lk)Mampu bekerja dengan target (no. 1) Kirimkan atau Datang langsung dengan membawa surat lamaran, CV dan persyaratan lainnya mulai tanggal 17 s/d 28 Oktober 2011 pada hari dan jam kerja, ke alamat : PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk |
Posted: 25 Oct 2011 06:20 PM PDT PT Natrindo Telepon Seluler, as the holder of registered trademark of AXIS, is a national GSM and 3G cellular service provider in Indonesia, offering innovative and affordable wireless communications services within its service areas. The company began operations in Java and Sumatra, and is rapidly expanding its 2G and 3G networks to major market and population centers throughout the archipelago. AXIS is backed by two prominent operators in Asia, Saudi Telecom Company (STC), the leading national provider of telecommunication services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company owns some companies that present in Kuwait, Bahrain, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, and South Africa; and Maxis Communications Berhad (Maxis), the leading mobile communications service provider in Malaysia These two major investors are committed to the full development of the Indonesian telecommunications sector. Legal Secretary (Code: Legal Secretary) Job Requirement: Please ensure to put the job title in the subject of your email (www.axisworld.co.id) — Update : Download Soal-Soal CPNS |
Lowongan Kerja PT Starjaya Metalwork Oktober 2011 Posted: 25 Oct 2011 04:01 PM PDT PT. STARJAYA METALWORKS, STARJAYA GROUP, adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industry baja ringan, aplikator rolling door, folding gate, dan baja ringan serta general trading. Lowongan Kerja Posisi : Sales ManagerKepala Produksi Persyaratan : I.Sales Manager Pria, usia 28-36 tahunLulusan D3/S1 segala jurusanBerjiwa seorang pemimpin, tegas, jujur, bertanggungjawab, ulet, disiplin, dan dapat diandalkanBerani menghadapi tantangan dalam mencapai target penjualanMemiliki kemampuan dalam mencapai target penjualanMemiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan memimpin sebuah teamMempunyai jaringan yang luasMampu memotivasi diri dan team work dengan baikPengalaman dalam bidang yang sama minimal 2 tahunDiutamakan yang memiliki kendaraan sendiri II.Kepala Produksi Pria, usia max. 36 tahunLulusan D3/S1 TeknikBerjiwa seorang pemimpin, tegas, jujur, bertanggungjawab dan dapat diandalkanBerpengalaman memimpin banyak karyawan minimal 2 tahunMenguasai proses produksi secara umumDiutamakan yang pernah bekerja sebagai Kepala Produksi di Perusahaan baja ringan Lamaran lengkap dapat dikirim melalui email : Salomo_iswanto@yahoo.com atau lowongan@starjaya.co.id Atau dating langsung ke alamat kami : Contact Person : Salomo Iswanto – 081282819988 Sebelum 31 Oktober 2011 |
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