Lowongan BUMN Askes (Persero) Posted: 08 Nov 2011 11:48 AM PST PT. ASKES is an Indonesian State Owned Enterprise administering health insurance to the Indonesian people, either as compulsory members or as voluntary members. The Health Insurance conducted by PT ASKES is applying a managed care concept, which is the integration of financing system and delivery of appropriate health care services, in order to produce the quality care service and cost efficiency. PT. Askes have implemented some cost containment techniques which is in accordance with its business.
Secretary (Code: SKR) Requirements Min. D3 in SecretaryMinimum GPA 2.75Maximum 25 years oldSingleMinimum 1 year experience as Secretary of DirectorFuent in English (passive and active)Computer literate (MS Word, MS Excel, Powerpoint)Having high motivation, loyalty and proactiveAble to handle office administration (correspondence, arranging appointments and business trip)Attractive and proportionalRequired Documents Application LetterCurriculum VitaeLegalized copy lastest diplomas and transcriptCopy of Identity Card (KTP)Recent color photograph size 4×6 2 (two) piecesPlease send your application to : div.sdm@ptaskes.com not later than October 30, 2011 The decision to call the applicant and determining the outcome of selection is the PT. Askes (Persero) right and can not be contested. PT Askes (Persero) does not serve the correspondence. The selection process is free of charge. —  |
Accounting Assistant – PARADISE GROUP Posted: 08 Nov 2011 06:58 AM PST The Paradise Group is a dynamic Group of Companies based on Hotel and Property Development. We are looking for a high competent people who are creative, innovative, and able to work in a team to join our company as: Requirements: Male/Female25 – 30 years oldBachelor degree majoring in AccountingMin. 3 years experiences in the similar field, have a tax knowledgeHaving a knowledge in IFRS financial reporting Familiar with Microsoft Office (Word & Excell)Based in Batam Key duties & Responsibilities Able to prepare complete financial statementsAnalyzing financial statementsHave a good knowledge about taxationKirim CV dan surat lamaran lengkap (detail pekerjaan) beserta foto terbaru ke:
hrd@theparadise-group.com  |
Lowongan Kerja Bank Bukopin Posted: 08 Nov 2011 01:59 AM PST PT Bank Bukopin Tbk provides commercial and consumer banking products and services in Indonesia. The company offers saving accounts; consumer loans, such as car, house, multipurpose, and back to back loans; micro and small business loans; commercial loans comprising working capital, investment, and business loans; micro banking products and services; international banking products, such as trade finance and remittance services; and debit and credit cards services. It also provides phone, SMS, and Internet banking, as well as ATM services; priority banking; cash management services consisting of account, funds transfer, liquidity management, payment and collection, and report services; custodian and trustee services; clearing, safe deposit box, payment, and collection agent services; and Sharia banking products and services. As of April 2008, PT Bank Bukopin operated 286 outlets in 22 provinces, including 7 Sharia branch offices. The company was formerly known as Bank Umum Koperasi Indonesia and changed its name to PT Bank Bukopin Tbk in January 1990. PT Bank Bukopin Tbk was founded in 1970 and is headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Due to rapid expansion and growth, PT Bank Bukopin, Tbk as the one of established national bank is currently looking for qualified and dedicated candidate who seek a challenging career to join our company, for the following position : Special Hire Recruitment for Relationship Officer (Code: SHR-RO) – Surabaya Requirements Male/ femaleBachelor Degree (S1) in any majorMaximum 40 years oldPossess good analytical and communication skills and target orientedPreferably experienced in banking industryExperienced as Bank Marketing Funding minimum 3 yearsFluent in English active and passiveRelationship Officer (Code: RO-KONSUMER) – Surabaya Requirements Male/ femaleBachelor Degree (S1) in any majorMaximum 27 years old for fresh graduate and maximum 30 years old for experienced candidatesPossess good analytical and communication skills and target orientedPreferably experienced in banking industryFluent in English active and passiveAccount Officer (Code: AO-UKMK) – Surabaya Requirements Male/ femaleBachelor Degree (S1) in any majorMaximum 27 years old for fresh graduate and maximum 30 years old for experienced candidatesPossess good analytical and communication skills and target orientedPreferably experienced in banking industryFluent in English active and passiveShould you meet above requirements please send your complete application with position code and placement code in right-top corner of your envelope, to: Bagian Pengembangan SDM PT. Bank Bukopin, Tbk d/a. Graha Bukopin Surabaya, Jl. Panglima Sudirman Kav. 10-16 Surabaya. —  |
KOORDINATOR ACCOUNTING &TAX (URGENTLY) – BUDIINDAH MULIAMANDIRI, PT Posted: 07 Nov 2011 09:48 PM PST PT. Budiindah Muliamandiri adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Jasa Konstruksi yang menangani proyek : Dermaga, Jalan, Jembatan dikawasan Kalimantan Timur dan Papua. Dalam proses peningkatan kinerja perusahaan ditambah dengan kepercayaan yang sangat tinggi dari pelanggan, saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan karyawan dengan kriteria sbb : JAKARTA Kualifikasi : Wanita, SingleS1 – Accounting/Finance/EconomyMenguasai Sistem Akuntansi dan PajakMenguasai Accurate, MS. OfficeMin Experience 3 Tahun Diutamakan berpengalaman di Perusahaan KontraktorKirimkan Detail CV & Foto terakhir dan Fotokopi KTP serta tuliskan Posisi Lamaran yang dipilih pada Subject Email ke : hrdbimm@gmail.com OR PO BOX 97 JKPPJ 10210 A "Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "  |
Auditor – PT. BANK ARTHA GRAHA INTERNATIONAL, Tbk Posted: 07 Nov 2011 05:09 PM PST PT. Bank Artha Graha Internasional, Tbk sebagai salah satu bank devisa di Indonesia dengan motto 'Great Team, Great Service, Great Results' berkomitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik membuka peluang dan kesempatan seluas-luasnya bagi Anda untuk bergabung sebagai: Kualifikasi :
Usia maksimal 30 tahunPendidikan minimal S1 Ekonomi AkuntansiMemilki kemampuan komunikasi dan analisa yang baikMampu bekerja secara mandiriBerintegritas dan berkomitmen tinggi terhadap perusahaanBersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke luar kotaKirimkan lamaran berikut CV lengkap, referensi dan photo terbaru ditujukan ke email : nonik_sdm@ag.co.id  |
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