Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Lowongan Kerja CPNS Indonesia (LKCI)

Lowongan Kerja CPNS Indonesia (LKCI)

Lowongan Kerja Technip Indonesia

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 09:45 AM PST

TECHNIP is a leading provider of Engineering, Technologies and Construction services for oil and gas, petrochemical and other industries; with its 22,000 people worldwide and annual revenues of almost 7 billion euros. TECHNIP has been ranked by American Engineering Weekly in its 2007 list of Top 225 International Contractors as 1st for the World Industrial / Petroleum Market.

In Asia-Pacific, Technip has been present for more than 20 years. As part of its expansion in Asia-Pacific, Technip established a subsidiary in Indonesia: PT. Technip Indonesia (PTTI), which services the Indonesian Oil and Gas, Petrochemical and General Industrial sectors. PTTI covers offshore and onshore field development, gas processing and liquefaction, refining and onshore pipelines. In non-oil sectors, PTTI covers fertilizers, chemicals, cement, life sciences, power generation and other growth market industries.

As part of our business expansion in Indonesia, we are seeking highly qualified professionals to fill in position listed below:


Key Duties:
- Promote excellence in construction site management.
- Select, develop and train construction supervision personnel.
- Develop and promulgate high quality construction procedures and methodologies.
- Promote continuous improvement.

- Hold a degree in a relevant engineering discipline.
- 20 years overall experience.
- 10 years direct experience in oil & gas construction, which must include upstream, downstream and off-shore construction works.
- Had direct control of at least 3 major construction sites.
- Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
- Very familiar with construction methodologies, safety and environmental management, and community relations.
- Experience should include international assignments in addition to extensive assignments throughout Indonesia.
- Demonstrate a track record of managing construction site with excellent safety performance.
- Have a clear understanding of industrial relations practices, laws and regulations within Indonesia.
- Strong interpersonal skills, communication skills and negotiating skills.


Key Duties:
- Establish, develop and maintain a comprehensive library of construction procedures, methods and standards.
- Collect lessons learnt from construction projects and update the library of procedures, methods and standards.
- Promulgate the use of these procedures, methods and standards across all construction projects.
- Review and endorse procedures and methodologies submitted by construction subcontractors.

- Hold a degree in a relevant engineering discipline (e.g. Civil, Mechanical or Electrical).
- 15 years overall experience.
- 10 years direct experience in oil & gas construction, which must include upstream, downstream and off-shore construction works.
- Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
- Be very familiar with construction methodologies, safety and environmental management.
- Experience should include international assignments in addition to extensive assignments throughout Indonesia.
- Demonstrate a track record of managing construction site with excellent safety performance.
- Have a clear understanding of the state-of-the-art construction practices across all disciplines and the trend of future developments.


- Establish and promulgate procedures for the set-up and administration of subcontracts.
- Establish maintain a database of subcontractors including performance ratings of subcontractors on Technip projects.
- Develop subcontracts for construction works.
- Tender, evaluate and make recommendations for award of subcontracts.
- Provide assistance to site management in the administration of subcontracts.
- Review the performance of subcontractors on completion of work.

- Hold a degree in a relevant engineering discipline.
- 12 years overall experience.
- 7 years direct experience in oil & gas construction, which must include upstream, downstream and off-shore construction works.
- Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
- Be very familiar with contract law in Indonesia.
- Experience should include international assignments in addition to extensive assignments throughout Indonesia.
- Possess strong negotiating skills and communication skills.


- Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering.
- Above 5 to 7 years or more experience in in Oil and Gas industry.
- Should possess good communication skills in English language.


- Diploma degree in Engineering.
- Above 15 to 20 years or more experience in in Oil and Gas industry.
- Should possess good communication skills in English language.


- Candidates must possess a Phd, MSc or BSc in Metallurgy or Material Engineering. For experience candidates should have with substantial experience as a materials and corrosion engineer in the oil and gas industry.
- As a Material and Corrosion Engineer you will provide expert advice and provide technical input on materials selection and corrosion control issues in support of design requirement.
- A good working knowledge with the selection of materials and corrosion control strategies to optimize the lifecycle integrity of oil and gas facilities and pipelines and will be involved in concept material selection based on lifecycle cost considerations.
- Good working knowledge of painting, coating/lining and insulation systems.
- Familiar with specifying cathodic protection systems and the design of corrosion inhibitor and monitoring systems.
- Good working knowledge of NDT methods and technology, including intelligent pigging.
- Good working knowledge with developing inspection schedules.

For interested applicants, please send your application to our website at www.technip.com or via e-mail to hrd.indo@technip.com — Update : 

Chief of Accounting

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 04:45 AM PST

DIBUTUHKAN SEGERAPerusahaan distributor farmasi terkemuka, yang berkantor pusat di Jakarta sedang membuka peluang karir bagi profesional muda untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai :

(Penempatan di Semarang)

Kualifikasi umum :

Usia max. 35 tahunPendidikan min. S1 Akuntansi Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bagian accounting  Memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)Berkepribadian matang dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekananMempunyai kemampuan berkomunikasi dan analisa yang baik

Silahkan kirimkan surat lamaran dan resume Anda, paling lambat 2 minggu, lengkap dengan nomor telepon dan photo terbaru ke alamat sbb:

PO. BOX 8232 Jakarta 12920 SB

Dengan nama posisi disudut kiri atas amplop.

Hanya mereka yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dihubungi.

Lowongan Kerja PT Inti Tambang Makmur Kalimantan Desember 2011

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 11:45 PM PST

PT Inti Tambang Makmur, Perusahaan bergerak dibidang pertambangan Bauksit dan bijih besi membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk posisi :

Geologist (Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah)


Pendidikan Minimal S1 Teknik GeologiMenguasai Software PertambanganPengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam kegiatan eksplorasi dan pemetaan geologiBertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan perencanaan serta kegiatan pemetaan, pemboran dan analisa geologisBersedia ditempatkan diwilayah Kalimantan Barat / Tengah

Kepala Teknik Tambang (Kalimantan Barat – Kalimantan Tengah)


Pendidikan Min. S1 Teknik PertambanganMengerti dalam membuat anggaran jangka pendek & panjang, membuat perencanaan tenaga kerja, alat dan jam kerjaDapat membuat Design Tambang dan Laporan triwulanPengalaman min. 1 thn dalam memonitor operasi penambangan, menganalisis dan mampu memimpinBersedia ditempatkan diwilayah Kalimantan Barat / Tengah

Manager Lapangan (Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah)


Pria minimal 35 tahunPendidikan Minimal S1Mempunyai pengalaman dibidang tambangMampu mengurus surat-surat yang berhubungan dengan izin-izin ke instansi Pemerintah dan Pemda setempatMampu bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat di area pertambanganMampu mengatur staff & kru pertambanganMengerti Accounting & FinanceDapat mengurus Akomodasi & Budget LapanganMampu berbahasa inggris aktif dan pasifPengalaman minimal 2 thnBersedia ditempatkan di Wilayah Kalimantan Barat & Kalimantan Tengah

Mining & Geological Engineer (Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah)


Pendidikan Minimal S1 Teknik PertambanganMengerti dalam membuat anggaran jangka pendek & panjang, membuat perencanaan tenaga kerja, alat dan jam kerjaPengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam memonitor operasi penambangan, menganalisis dan mampu memimpinBersedia ditempatkan diwilayah Kalimantan Barat / Tengah

Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan kirim lamaran ke :

PT. Inti Tambang Makmur
Email : pt.intam@gmail.com
Telp. 021-6631250 / 021-6613830


Posted: 07 Dec 2011 06:45 PM PST


LOWONGAN KERJA Untuk kualifikasi pendidikan min D3 segala jurusan untuk wilayah Jakarta Selatan PT. G4S CASH SERVICES november 2011

Jln. Raya Cilandak KKO, Cilandak Timur, Ps. Minggu, Jakarta Selatan
(Belakang Gedung TRAKINDO UTAMA),

PT. G4S Cash Services, Perusahaan Multinasional yang bergerak di bidang Jasa Transportasi Uang Tunai & Barang Berharga.

Membuka Lowongan kerja untuk posisi sebagai berikut :


Pria / Wanita usia antara 23-30 tahun. Berpenampilan menarik akan diutamakanMinimal lulusan Diploma III dari semua jurusan, diutamakan dari jurusan komunikasi atau Public RelationDapat menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam percakapan ataupun tulisanDapat berkomunikasi dengan semua kalangan dan semua pihak yang berkepentingan dengan perusahaanMemiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun sebagai Call Center, Customer Service, Public Relation, Telephone Operator, Resepsionis di perusahaan Bank, Security, Konsultan atau sejenisnya.Bersedia untuk bekerja dalam sistem shift (12 jam kerja).Lancar dalam bekerja menggunakan Komputer, minimal Microsoft Office dan Microsoft Excel.Dapat bekerja secara individual ataupun dengan kerjasama tim, serta sanggup untuk bekerja di bawah tekanan.Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor cabang kami di Jabodetabek

Lamaran dapat dikirimkan ke Alamat

Jln. Raya Cilandak KKO, Cilandak Timur, Ps. Minggu, Jakarta Selatan
(Belakang Gedung TRAKINDO UTAMA),


Email : cs.recruit@id.g4s.com
CC : recruitment.Cilandak@id.g4s.com

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